lundi 4 mars 2013

So Wicked March ed : Northern Lights sound system - winners of Time 2 shine soundclash italian edition

SO WICKED is the monthly meeting for the jamaican musics lovers.
Hosted by Spin Dem Sound Ya! and Slapshot Intl. 
March guest - NORTHERN LIGHTS - Udine Italia

Join the event :

►► NORTHERN LIGHTS - Udine / Italia

Winners of Upper Cup Clash 2010
Winners of the Time 2 Shine Italian Ed. 2011



From 2004 until now, Northern Lights has been one of the most active italian crew in the national and international "soundclash league", fighting against sounds of I-Shence (it), Heartical (Fr), Soundbwoy's Destiny (Ger), Warrior (Ger), Foundation (NL) caliber.


✦ Slapshot Intl (Annecy-Berlin)

✦ Spin Dem Sound Ya! (Paris - Berlin)


S+U : Jannovitzbrucke
Hangar 49 Holzmarktstr. 15-18, S-Bahnbogen 49, Berlin
Behind BVG zentral


Free for ladies until 01.00
08€ for men
06€ on list

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